Sebastiano Serlio (Bologna, 1475 - Fontainebleau, 1554). Libro Tercero Y Quarto de Architectura. Toledo? : I. de Angela?, 1563.

Serlio was a disciple of the architect Baldassare Peruzzi, one of the founders of Mannerist style. He studied Vitruvio's work and the monuments of antiquity and was the first to incorporate illustrations into an architectural handbook, using his own drawings as well as Peruzzi and Bramante's illustrations. His book entitled Tutte l'opere d'architettura, et prospectiva (1537-75) exerted great influence throughout Europe.

The work of Sebastiano Serlio was translated into Spanish by the architect and sculpture Francisco Villalpando (Palencia?, ca. 1495 - Toledo, ca. 1561) in 1552 with the title Tercer y cuarto libro de architectura, and published in Toledo by Juan de Ayala with the same illustrations as the original Italian editions. This work is also known as "The books of antiquities," since Serlio drew plans of many ancient Italian buildings, such as the amphitheater of Rome. It was reprinted by the same house in 1563 (the edition on display here) and in 1572.

The Durand Collection also contains Il primo [-secondo] libro d'architettura. Le premier [-second] livre d'architecture, a bilingual Italian and French edition published in 1545 in Paris and Venice by J. Barbé and Francesco Marcolini, respectively.

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